Sunday, 25 May 2014

A Moorish Progenitor of the Austrian Habsburg bloodline

A Moorish Progenitor of the Austrian Habsburg bloodline

FB Page: I Want Moor

1 comment:

  1. It's an interesting theory, but do you have any actual evidence that this statue is the progenator of the Habsburg line? And what is his name??

    If your theory is correct, then what we are seeing, in my opinion, is black moorish monarchies, who invaded Europe (as the Barbary Pirates), who then enslaved the native white europeans, and then after a while of ruling with slavery, they purposefully, with evil deception, hid their real selves by marrying into white lines to change their skin color. By changing their skin colour, the monarchies could then fool and deceive the white Europeans into supporting them (as they do now), instead of hating them because of being enslaved after Moor invasion.
